Python 101
Students Age 11-14
Welcome to Python 101, this course is ideal for students who are comfortable with the basics of programming logic and computational thinking, it will help them transition to Python and adapt to the additional challenges of text-based syntax.
Students who successfully complete this lesson plan will demonstrate a strong mastery of Python syntax, as well as the ability to creatively program games and other projects and debug their own code.
Lesson 1:
Welcome to Python
Python 101 is separated into three sections:
Part I - Python Syntax and Basics: students will learn basic Python syntax and programming as they go on a jungle adventure to discover hidden treasures.
Part II - UI and Interaction: this part teaches students to use the turtle tool, background color, x-y coordinates, keyboard interaction, and pen drawing.
Part III - Game Design: This final art focuses on putting together everything students have learn to build games. Students will even build several games on their own!
Lesson 2:
Loops and Patterns
Students will...
Use Python commands to solve puzzle modules
Identify patterns in their code
Use "for" loops to reduce lines of code
Use arithmetic operators to add, subtract, multiply, and divide values
Apply coding knowledge to nest multiple “for” loops inside each other
Lesson 3: Part 1
Conditional Logic
Students will
Use Python commands to solve puzzle modules
Use conditionals to detect whether a condition is true and only run code in certain cases
Use assignment operators to change the value of a variable
Use comparison operators to compare values
Use logical operators to check multiple conditions at the same time or reverse the value of a boolean
Distinguish between assignment, comparison, and logical operators
Lesson 3: Part 2
Conditional Logic
Students will
Use Python commands to solve puzzle modules
Use conditionals to detect whether a condition is true and only run code in certain cases
Use assignment operators to change the value of a variable
Use comparison operators to compare values
Use logical operators to check multiple conditions at the same time or reverse the value of a boolean
Distinguish between assignment, comparison, and logical operators
Lesson 4:
Conditional Loops
Students will...
Use Python commands and conditional loops to solve puzzle modules
Identify differences between a “for” loop and a conditional “while” loop
Use “while” loops to continue executing code while a condition is true
Identify differences between a “for” loop and a “while” loop
Use the “break” command to stop a loop from iterating before it ends naturally
Lesson 5:
Students will...
Use variables to store information
Apply knowledge of variables to change the value of a variable and declare multiple variables
Use and define strings
Use proper syntax for strings
Access properties of strings and perform other operations on strings (i.e., substring, search, concatenation)
Solve puzzle modules using variables
Lesson 6:
Students will...
Write and apply knowledge of expressions
Distinguish between arithmetic, logical, and string expressions
Predict how an expression will evaluate based on knowledge of strings, numbers, and operator precedence
Use numbers in expressions
Parse data to change its type between strings, floats, and integers
Use operator precedence to evaluate an expression
Use and declare lists and dictionaries
Identify the appropriate data type (variable, list, or dictionary) to store information
Lesson 7:
Turtle Tool
Students will...
Use pen drawing to make the turtle draw
Create custom shapes using the turtle object
Graph using the turtle tool
Apply concepts from this lesson to set up a turtle screen, change the screen’s background color, and move the turtle object
Apply knowledge of the coordinate system to turtle graphics
Lesson 8:
User Interface
Students will...
Apply knowledge of functions to define a function, add parameters to a function, pass a return value back from a function, and delay the execution of code using the “ontimer” function
Identify whether an identifier is defined in local or global scope
Create a program that reacts to keyboard input
Create a program that generates a random integer between two values
Create a scene that responds to keyboard inputs
Create a scene that responds to mouse inputs
Lesson 9:
Game Design
Students will...
Identify sprites and what their behaviors are
Create a sprite to represent the player
Apply coding concepts to clone a sprite that inherits all of the original sprite’s properties
Apply coding concepts to loop through a list using a “for” loop
Demonstrate advanced list manipulations
Demonstrate sorting a list
Lesson 10:
Snake - Connect 4 - Tetris
Students will...
Create a Snake game
Create state variables that track the state of the game, such as whether the game has been lost or whose turn it is
Apply programming concepts to check win/loss conditions and detect if two sprites are touching
Create a Connect 4 game
Use nested “for” loops to create a grid
Apply coding concepts to declare constants
Create a Tetris game
Apply coding concepts to store information about the shapes in a tuple